Below you will find a compilation of various project types that we have recently worked on.
This gallery is intended to provide just a small sample of our capabilities, so please do not hesitate to contact us regarding any applicable project that may be under consideration. We welcome the opportunity to compete for new challenges, especially where we can apply creativity and critical thinking.
- Appliances
- Commercial Bathrooms
- Commercial Build-Out – Offices
- Commercial Build-Out – Reception Desks
- Commercial Doors
- Demolition
- Exterior Doors
- Exterior Remodeling – Access Balcony
- Exterior Remodeling – Siding and Painting
- Fencing
- Flooring
- Framing
- Light Fixture Replacements – Maintenance
- Meter Rack
- Plumbing Repairs – Maintenance
- Steel Header and Frame
- Roof Replacements
Under maintenance agreements, we routinely procure, install, and replace all manners of appliances for our various managed rental units.
Commercial Bathrooms
We’ve found that thoroughly consulting architectural plans and Americans with Disabilities Act compliance guidelines is crucial for effective bathroom installations. Understanding the project scope and also focusing on prep-work, such as blocking and rough-in locations is very important.
Commercial Build-Out – Offices
Several office spaces that we’ve remodeled and built out are below. Flooring durability, drop ceiling planning and installation, coordination of passageway and egress requirements, and existing design integrations are among the responsibilities we’ve dealt with as the general contractor and project manager.
Commercial Build-Out – Reception Desks
We recently designed and constructed custom built-in reception desks. Installation, planning and implementing of accessibility requirements were important steps in the process.
Commercial Doors
Some recent commercial door installations that we’ve executed are below. These installations, especially in a retrofit format, tend to be much more difficult and time-consuming as compared to standard residential applications.
Whenever possible, we keep the demolition procedures in-house. We’ve found that a smooth remodeling project starts with a methodical and sensible demolition process. This involves much more finesse and forethought than one might expect, and it’s crucial that the crew performing these tasks has a full understanding of the work and installations that will follow.
Exterior Doors
We replace exterior doors in a variety of remodeling applications.
Exterior Remodeling – Access Balcony
This 2nd floor access point needed to be completely redesigned. Given the finished space below, it was close to impossible for the existing landing transition to the adjacent flat roof to be waterproofed correctly. The existing walkway was also highly awkward to navigate.
We extended the exterior wall framing to create a proper roof-to-sidewall transition, opened the western face of the structure, and reoriented the landing. Metal flashing was applied to all corners, primarily to establish a contiguous substrate. The new covered balcony was waterproofed with a liquid-applied membrane, overlaid with tiling, and the balcony walls were counterflashed with standard exterior siding. Finally, a custom fabricated steel stairway was installed.
Exterior Remodeling – Siding and Painting
Here are various exterior remodeling repairs, installations, and finishes we’ve done.
Several different fencing styles we’ve worked on are below.
Flooring replacements commonly arise for rental units, and we’ve recently installed vinyl plank, tile, and carpet. We did subcontract the commercial flooring below to a specialist, due to the poor condition of the existing subfloor and the specialty glue-down application we selected.
The need for new framing seems to come up more often than we’d expect.
Light Fixture Replacements – Maintenance
In situations where we have an existing maintenance arrangement, we often will need to replace light fixtures. We do not offer electrical services to the general market, and all electrical work is performed by a licensed master electrician when required or when deemed otherwise necessary.
Meter Rack
We managed a project where we coordinated the division of a single electrical meter into 4 individual meters. In addition to working with our licensed electrical subcontractor, the utility company, and all local jurisdictions, we also were required to construct and erect a meter rack for 2 of the meters on the property. This rack was the best way for the utility company to effectuate their overhead service drops in an efficient manner.
Plumbing Repairs – Maintenance
In situations where we have an existing maintenance arrangement, we sometimes are required to perform plumbing replacements or emergency repairs. While regrettable, these situations are at times a fact of life, and we move as quickly as possible to remediate them. We do not offer plumbing services to the general market, and all plumbing work is performed by a licensed master plumber when required.
Steel Header and Frame
During a commercial remodeling project, we made the in-field discovery of load-bearing framing members that were not identified on the original project blueprints. The load-bearing support terminated above a proposed doorway that was unable to be relocated.
To address this problem, we worked with the architect to issue an amendment to the blueprints, specifying a steel header system to support the existing beam. Once the amended plans were approved by the municipality, we had the steel header and frame custom fabricated and welded together, and then we permanently installed the system.
Roof Replacements
Due to both storm damage and wear-and-tear, we’ve needed to replace roofing systems on several of our managed units. We follow manufacturer-recommended installation procedures and accessory combinations when replacing both flat- and steep-slope systems.
Further, we ensure roof decking is in sound condition and is repaired appropriately if required. We will also fabricate and install custom flashing systems where needed, and we take care to avoid making exposed fastener penetrations through the roof system whenever possible.